Monday, July 26, 2010

Pioneer Day!!

On the 24th of July Quin had to film a wakeboard competition up at Pineview. He actually filmed Shane Bonifay from a helicopter and was hanging out the side of it! So scary! I will put some pictures up of him hanging out of the helicopter soon! Erika and Porter and I all went up to Pineview to watch the competition and play in the sun while Quin was working.
 We had a blast, but I got SO sunburned. After spending all day up there, we had a little BBQ at our house and then went and saw "Inception". I thought it was a really good movie. It took a lot of concentration though to understand what was going on. Anyways we had a great 24th! I hope everyone else did as well!
Porter, Brad, and Quin

Whitney, Tom, Erika, and me

BBQ at our house!

On our way to the movie

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